The social deputy and the prevention of crimes against the judiciary from about two to three years old, with the coordination of the relevant agencies in the implementation of the law on building construction, have gone through extensive and exhaustive efforts, and the continuous obstacles to the implementation of this law have been completely eliminated, and it is expected that The devices that should enforce the law must act and perform their duties and defamation.
Four major recommendations are being implemented through the Social Security Department of the Judiciary. First, all those who intend to sell the building have the right to read this law; for pre-sellers, the law stipulates penalties that are enforceable if the rules are not known. And the condition for not being aware of criminal responsibility is not for them.
It is better for pre-sellers and pre-buyers to study the law because of the high interest of the law, and real estate consultants who play a major role in conducting transactions with pre-sellers and pre-distributors will comply with the law.
Advance buyer referrals to non-official bureaus
Real estate consultants must provide property forwarders and pre-buyers to official offices, because at official offices there are forms that record information relating to property transactions that do not involve any fraud or fraudulent sale of property, multiple sale and non-execution Obligations will be prevented by the prefecture.
The important point is that we must have information available to the law through the people and authorities and the institutions that have taken good measures in the discussion of information and specialized meetings and justifications with some of the organizations that have duties and duties in the implementation of this We are organizing a program that we hope will see the positive preventive effects of this law in the near future for the country.
The most important problem is the preparation of the technical identification of the building and the subject of insurance, which is referred to in this law and is currently being followed up by the inadequacies related to this law, and it is hoped that this year we will see the exact and complete implementation of this law. .
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